Thursday, February 09, 2006

I love Mark Cuban!

Mark Cuban is awesome. I've never been a big Mavs fan or anything (I grew up loving the Lakers) and now I don't even follow the NBA. I do keep an eye on my former OSU cowboy players, but I wouldn't call myself a fan of pro basketball. However, after I watched Mark Cuban's short lived reality show The Benefactor, I fell in love with the guy. He's so funny and loves basketball so much. He's really endearing and now I root for the Mavs just for him.

Anyway, to get to the point. I had just logged out of my hotmail account and the MSN homepage loaded. I noticed a link to something about Mark Cuban owning Phil Jackson. Well, Phil Jackson is a great coach (Kobe should be so grateful that Phil came back) and since I used to be a huge Lakers fan and current Mark Cuban fan, I had to check out the link. So I guess Mark Cuban has a blog and after the Mavs killed the Lakers he made a post titled I Own Phil Jackson. It's really funny ( I can completely see him writing this.

On another topic, I see that Harrison Ford's new movie is opening tomorrow. I originally thought that it probably would not be the best movie he has done. I mean, he has a lot to live up to. Plus, as hot as I think he is and as much as I love him, the big screen does not make older men look good (refer to Dirty Dancing 2 and Patrick Swayze - seriously, small children should not have been exposed - scary!). I'm a little worried that he's going to be a little scary. But I watched an interview with him this morning and they made the movie sound pretty good. So I think I'll check out a matinee this weekend. That way if it sucks, it only cost me $3.50.

Speaking of movies, if you want to laugh and be mildly disturbed, go shell out the cash to see The Squid and the Whale. It's pretty funny, although some of the parts seem kind of pointless. The younger brother in the movie is the disturbing part. He sits around shirtless drinking beer (he's like 12 years old) and says mean things to his mom and then there is the whole masturbation part. I don't want to ruin it for anyone, so go see it for yourself.


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